About Maddy Protocol

Maddy Protocol
2 min readDec 15, 2022
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Maddy Protocol is a suite of decentralised defi financial and yield earning opportunity protocol launching on the arbitrium chain.

Our objectives include:

  • Decentralization
  • Revenue and earnings for users

Protocol products and services include:

  • Decentralised stablecoin CDP based on works of liquity — MSD Stablecoin.
  • MaddyBonds to be released for msd stablecoin first before being released for other tokens, bonds would be used to create protocol owned liquidity, a unique nft representing bond information and yield opportunity for users.
  • Maddy yield autocompounding vaults for tokens on arbitrium and launch of staked version of yield bearing tokens like stkGLP for GMX glp tokens.
  • Maddy self paying defi loan vaults with integration of other protocols like a self paying mim cauldron vault.
  • Collaterized NFT backed synthetic ethereum on arbitrium using blue chip nfts and also selected nfts from maddybonds

Tokenomics would include:

  • Escrowed Maddy token to serve as our reward token, earns 30% of fees, earns multipliers used for stake boosting and can be vested for a year to convert to maddy governance token which would be released every second. Note: They are non-transferrable.
  • Maddy Governance token to serve as our governance token, earns 70% of fees, earns escrowed maddy tokens and multipliers

Earning opportunity on maddy comes from staking Maddy Governance token or escrowed maddy to earn fees, multipliers and calling 0.25% of all harvested amount of self paying loans / yield vaults.

Preseed rounds are going on right now at a discounted rate.

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Maddy Protocol

Decentralized CDP, Nft lending and Self payable loan protocol